Store furniture and household goods for a few days? Deside renovation or refurbishment.

Renovation versus refurbishment
When renovating a house, the focus is on the entire building structure, while a house renovation is more about refreshing the room walls, ceilings and floors, including painting the windows and doors. Nevertheless, in the absence of clear definitions, the boundaries between renovation and refurbishment are quite fluid.
In principle, different "life cycles" apply to the different parts of the building. Tiled roofs can easily last half a century, while the heating system may need to be replaced after 20 years. For a house renovation, this means that it often only has to be carried out partially. Good, honest advice from a construction specialist can therefore be very valuable in the matter. Especially when the house is about to be sold, certain renovations can add enormous value to the property. In this context, the Swiss homeowners association (HEV Switzerland) issued the following recommendations:
If the building fabric is in good condition, which goes hand in hand with a high market potential, a total renovation leads to a very high increase in the value of the home.
If the market potential is moderate or even poor with good building fabric, a small increase in value or at least value retention can be achieved with a partial renovation.
If the building fabric is in poor condition and the market potential is good, you should consider demolishing your home and then building a new one.
Only minimal investments should be made in buildings with poor structural fabric and poor market potential, just enough so that the house can continue to be used.
However the initial situation is to be assessed, with most renovation measures temporary storage of belongings is urgently required. For this purpose, VON HOLZEN TRANSPORT GmbH in the beautiful Swiss canton of Nidwalden south of Lucerne offers huge areas for cost-effective interim storage. These are modern, clean, heated, dry and well-ventilated storage rooms. Loading and unloading also takes place there under a permanent roof.
It doesn't matter whether you only need storage space for a few days or for a few months. The storage spaces are given according to your needs.
Important final note renovation or refurbishment
State subsidies can be applied for in Switzerland for refurbishment and renovation work. For example, in order to be able to access funds from the building program, the entire building shell, i.e. the walls, the roof and the windows, must be completely renovated. Some cantons and communes also support energy-efficient building renovations with sizeable subsidies. These circumstances can be decisive when it comes to deciding on a partial or total renovation. ;-)